Told Facility is out out of Network on Approval for IVIG Despite it Being In Network on Website and Going there Multiple Times (cigna)

I got an approval letter for my IVIG after I already received my first dose since I knew it was approved.

What I didn’t expect is that a facility I’ve been to a ton of times for multiple reasons and specialists is “out of network” in the letter…and that I am being charged out of network despite having gone to this facility and having billed through “UCSF Medical Center” as in network multiple times over this year alone…

I even have a copy of the letter they sent to the address that is listed on their website where if I search the medical center it matches the address of the facility that is “in network”

I’m really confused as to how this could happen if the facility is in network in every other situation except this one. UCSF is so slow to bill though so I am not sure when they will submit the claim to dispute it or how to even navigate this situation or why suddenly this one instance UCSF is out of network despite being an in network facility I’ve gone to tons of times over and have had approvals as in network multiple times over as well.

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