ER visit after fall on stomach during third trimester EOB Denied – Next steps?

Hi all,

I’m trying to figure out what the next steps are to take here–a few weeks ago I had a fall where I landed on my stomach when I was in the third trimester of my pregnancy. I called my doctor and when I described that there was some spotting after monitoring kick counts I was directed to go to the ER by my OB. I was told by the ER doctor the standard practice for stomach falls with how far along I was in the pregnancy was a 24 hour surveillance period so I was there overnight and put into a labor room with the nurses monitoring both me for contractions and the baby’s heart beat. Everything is okay with the baby (thank goodness) but I received an EOB denial saying that the claim was denied as medically unnecessary. There was no real description behind the rationale, just that a doctor had decided it was not medically needed. The bill is for over $15,000 and with a new baby coming the thought of that is just pushing me over the edge.

Can anyone offer guidance on where to start? I haven’t gotten a bill from the hospital yet and I have 180 days to appeal the insurance denial but since I haven’t received a hospital bill I’m not sure what my next step should be. Any guidance would be very appreciated from people who have navigated this before.

Thank you!

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