Does homeowners insurance cover bathtub overflow?

Does homeowners insurance cover bathtub overflow?

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Bathtub Leaks? Your bathtub leaking or overflowing (your 5 year old leaves the water running and walks away) is something that will generally be covered. Again, sudden and accidental is what’s important here; and in most cases, a bathtub leaking or overflowing is sudden and accidental.

What is Lemonade deductible?

A deductible is the amount of money that will be subtracted from any future claims payouts; it’s your contribution to the claim. It applies to each covered claim. You choose your deductible amount, which typically ranges from $250–$2,500 for renters, and $500+ for homeowners.

What technology does Lemonade use?

Lemonade’s tweet states, “a typical homeowners policy form has 20-40 fields…, so traditional insurers collect 20-40 data points per user.” However, Lemonade uses bots and machine learning, which is a type of AI. Jun 1, 2021

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