Give The Workforce What They Need in 2022 They will Respond with Greater Productivity


It is New Year’s resolution time, and organizations are preparing a bucket list of things to do. Polishing up the employee benefits plans is close to the top of the list. We have gone from the pandemic days to the time of the Great Resignation. Employee benefits are an effective means of retaining high-quality employees. However, the services must be able to help sustain or improve an employee’s well-being. Nobody wants benefits that are essentially window dressing, and group legal plans are what many folks need.

Why Is This Benefit Important?

We live in a society dominated by legal papers. Estates, leases, warranties, living wills, and other documents manage a lot of our personal business. It is easy to get flustered and confused by material written in exquisite legalese. Mistakes have consequences, and it may be necessary to have legal advice, which can be incredibly expensive.

If a person can have access to someone with legal expertise, that would make life easier for many folks. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is keenly aware of that need. We have a group legal plan benefit that can help employees navigate the sea of legal ink.

Service Provided by Seasoned Professionals

Countrywide does not rely on website advice. We have a nationwide network of attorneys ready to assist plan members with various everyday legal hassles. We have an attorney in every community where there is a Countrywide client. Help is close by, and a plan member has priority status with our lawyers.

We Offer a Variety of Services

Countrywide will do its best to provide solutions to common legal issues. Our attorneys will draft simple wills and do the paperwork needed for living wills and medical powers of attorney. Leases and contracts may not be enforceable, and legal document review determines that. The Christmas season brings with it problems about warranty and consumer protection. A Countrywide lawyer is ready to help a person get a warranty honored. Furthermore, that same attorney can also help with consumer protection filing if that is necessary.

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Those are some of our pre-paid legal services. We also have secondary services that complement the primary ones. If we cannot provide help on an issue, we will do a referral to a specialized attorney, and a plan member will be charged discounted fees. Our group legal plan professionals are allowed to write correspondence on behalf of an individual and make telephone calls. You want to problems, and if a person needs clarification, we allow an unlimited number of telephone calls to an attorney on a specific matter.

All of this is in addition to the way we treat anyone who comes to us for help. We recruit attorneys based on legal expertise, but we also look at communication skills. We expect all plan members to be treated with respect and their problems to be given close attention. Empathy matters to us. An attorney must have evidence of good emotional intelligence skills, or we will not work with them. Our pre-paid legal services include compassion.

The Client Plays a Major Role

We wish to provide a group legal plan that all a client’s workforce can use. We understand that an organization knows more about their employees’ needs than we do, and we ask for input from a prospective client’s decision-makers. We will discuss all our services with those executives and gladly answer all questions. The organization’s leaders then decide what services will be part of their plan document. We will provide the administration and member services.

The New Year is a wonderful time to offer group legal plan benefits with value. The Countrywide pre-paid legal services provided can help an individual resolve some serious issues. If you are interested in what we have, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We want to show you how we can be of great assistance to your employees.

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