Any NYC insurance without insanely high deductible?

Hi! Up until recently I was able to get covered by the Fidelis Essential Plan through the NY State of Health Marketplace. I’m 27 years old in Brooklyn.

My income is now above the threshold to qualify for this (~ $30,000)

I was told that my only option is the Fidelis Bronze Plan which comes with a $4700 deductible.

This seems like a waste of money. I’m a healthy young person and the only thing I really need health insurance for is my weekly therapist sessions and occasional (1x/year or less) PCP and gynecologist visits.

My options now seem to be:

Go with Fidelis Bronze which means $4700 deductible + $50 copay for every therapist session, or

Pay out of pocket for my therapy which is $200 a session. In that case I’d probably go 1-2x/month instead of weekly which would come out to $2400-$4800 per year.

Are there any other options out there?? I looked into PPO Health Sharing options but those don’t cover my therapist either and also seem risky since they’re not legally obliged to cover anything.

Any help appreciated! Thank you.

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