Bad experience with a health insurance agent

I just had a really weird and upsetting experience with a health insurance agent and I want to see if I should report it or just let it go. My insurance plan covers 10 therapy sessions a year of different topics. Over the past two years I had been approved for sessions of similar themes, but not the exact same.

My therapy sessions were coming to a close today and my therapist suggested checking if I could see them again with a different theme. He doesn't accept clients outside of the health insurance privately. So I'd have to find a new therapist otherwise. I called my health insurance company. In the past they've been pretty nice and helpful so that's what I was expecting. I asked if it would be possible to get another 10 sessions this year about a different issue. Right away the agent rudely said, "I don't know. I need your information first." I gave her my information, but I could tell something was off already. She started asking me questions about why I'm seeing my therapist now and saying she could see all my cases and how she knows they are related. I told her the reason and she laughed and said I was lying. She said she knows I've been using the sessions now to talk about past problems and she said and she's sure that's what I'm going to keep doing and that's against the rules. She said, "Yeah, "Supposedlyyyyyy, that's what your therapy sessions are about now, but that's not what you use them for."

I got really upset and asked to speak to someone else. She kept going on about how I'm misusing my insurance and grilling me about why are all the things I apply for are connected back to the same issue. She even brought up that I got legal advice through my insurance about a similar issue which is also included in my plan. I told her she was upsetting me and she started raising her voice at me and continued on verbally attacking me of how she knows I've been lying and misusing my insurance! She said she wants me to know she can see everything and that I'm doing something wrong.

See also  UHC / Oxford denying me for items that aren't covered. What are my options of recourse?

I told her I've been approved for all my past appointments and if something was wrong why wasn't I contacted. I stated that was I just wondering if I could be approved for more and that's why I was calling. She kept accusing me of lying about all my past appointments. I finally said, "You can just tell me that if it won't be approved. I don't appreciate what you're saying to me and it's not why I called."

The phone went silent for a minute. She came back on and seemed to collect herself and started saying I could apply but the rules of my insurance say I can't be approved for more treatments within 12 months. I say thank you that's all I needed to know and hung up. I'm wondering if I should report this somehow because it was a really weird and awful call. I've never experienced something like this before and I'm really shocked. I'm scared to call back again and ask any questions.

submitted by /u/Lazy-Ad-1125