So my family lives in New York my step mother (40ish female) is unemployed and on a myriad of medications and goes to several doctors. My father just switched jobs and we found out that his insurance is manageable for 1 person (about 250 a month) but to add another person the price goes up to about 700 per month. We can't afford that, honestly and don't know what to do. Medicaid doesn't allow her to be covered since there's the option for another health insurance,

with my dad's insurance there's still 25 dollar copays and we have no idea how much medications will cost, but the insulin alone costs so much that I'm really scared for her. Is there any other insurance plans in New York they may qualify for? Do we have other options? Or is she doomed to have to find a whole new set of doctors, start all over, throw away all of the specialists she has to go to, and more. I'm terrified about it and any possibilities are appreciated

submitted by /u/IndependentZombie615

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