Colonial Disability Insurance post injury- possible to receive benefits?

I am a state of CT employee and recently got injured.. i didn't sign up for colonial life insurance and dont have it currently, it is something that was offered to me when i first got hired but i didn't ever sign up.

i have been told by co workers that in the past- they were able to receive beenfits post getting an injury, they just spoke with someone from colonial and after signing up the injury was counted for even though it was prior, and they didn't receive a percentage of weekly income while they were out on injury.

right now i have no time left, so while im on FMLA leave, i wont be getting paid, which i cannot afford. HR told me about colonial but said it is unlikely I will get benefits since I am signing up POST injury. Can anyone tell me if this worked for them? Do i have a shot at still receiving short term disability benefits through Colonial, even though I am signing up post injury- I am hoping I can get away with this because i cannot afford to be out on leave with an injury while ALSO not getting paid. someone help!

submitted by /u/Spiritual_Library794

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