Crying my eyes out as I type this. Please help. Advice. Anything.

I live in the state of Nevada. I had Medicaid for 5 years straight until a month ago when I lost it because they deemed me to make too much money to have Medicaid. I work as a licensed insurance agent. I make $19 an hour which is 3,000 a month give or take. Fine. However, when I tried to apply to regular health insurance plans, they’re way too expensive and I don’t qualify for the reduction assistance so every plan I qualify for is well over $300 a month and I can’t afford that. I have Crohn’s disease and I’m on a very expensive (10,000 a month) medication that has changed my life for the better. I have a port implant that I need flushed with heparin often to avoid blood clots and I’m on monthly iron infusions, I have heart medication I take for my heart condition. I need these things to live and I feel like it’s all been taken away from me and I’m waiting to die. My medication manufacturer (abbvie) has a program that can help me pay for my meds which I applied for but I still need to see my doctors and need to have insurance in case anything happens. I’m scared and extremely catatonic rn. Any advice on what I can do to get affordable healthcare even with my income rn?

submitted by /u/Early-River-3030

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