Dental Insurance that covers/helps for extraction and implants – WI

Hi! I’m fairly young (21) and freshly kicked off of state aid insurance. (WI badgercare) I have no idea how to apply for insurance or what green or red flags to look for. I’m bad at adulting.

Unfortunately I’m going to need all of my teeth removed. Long story short, my mouth is royally messed up beyond saving. I live in constant pain and my x rays can confirm it. When I was going to my state aid appointed dentists, the only reason they wouldn’t remove my teeth was because of my age. At this point I’ve done all my research into the procedures, pros, cons, long term effects, and the price. Please don’t try to talk me out of it, just believe me when I say that my teeth are beyond fixing, and attempting to save them is only going to cause me more pain and add up in costs unnecessarily. I am making plans to go to a real dentist and praying to God that they hear me out.

While I will be okay with just dentures for the time, I was wondering what plans I can look for to achieve paying as little as possible for extractions and dentures. If I can, I would like to get implant- supported dentures eventually but I’m not sure insurance will cover those.

I cannot get insurance through my job because I am a private contractor. At the end of the day if I have to I will save up the cash for it, but I’m exploring my options.


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