Health Insurance at a new 2-Person Company?

A situation I’d really appreciate some advice with?

My wife currently works at an ad agency that provides Aetna Managed Choice Open Access to both of us here in California. We're very happy with it. We're both 41, no kids, in Riverside County. I'd say average amount of doctor visits & RXs, and make enough money that income-based discounts/subsidies likely don't apply.

Now, she and a former coworker want to leave and create their own agency in the next few months. Literally just the two of them, as co-founders of a new company. The former coworker has a wife whose job can provide them health insurance, but I'm a freelance producer, so I can't do the same thing. So right now the plan is to just have my wife and I buy coverage on the Marketplace.

First question: Is the Marketplace the best path in our situation? Or are there ways for such a small company to offer their two employees something cheaper / more efficient in terms of coverage? Like JustWorks or something like that?

Second question: If Marketplace is the best option, would something equivalent to Aetna Managed Choice Open Access be more of a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum plan? Ballpark guess is perfectly fine.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Boris41029

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