I have a high deductible insurance plan (3.3k fam, 5k oop max individual, 10k fam oop max). So far for the year, I personally have 10 claims totaling more or less for me about 250 personally out of pocket for actual services. However, looking at specifically my own oop max, the amount applied displays I have spent about 800 out of 5k. Somehow from the start of the year, the last claim I reviewed where my own personal oop max coincided with what I specifically paid oop, which was about 250 bucks, on one of the following claims my oop max jumps nearly 700 bucks. I know I personally haven't spent that much, but for the life of me I cannot come to a conclusion how. I've had 4 phys therapy visits, 4 pharmacy claims, 1 lab claim, and 1 in person doctor visit. Can anyone with more in depth insurance understanding possibly shed some light? I'm lost…but do want to continue doing whatever it is that is doing this.

submitted by /u/jolstn

See also  HELP, I cannot get insurance.