How to buy insurance before potential emergency?

Hello, I hope this is the right place to ask this question.

I am in AZ. I just turned 26 (was on parent's insurance) and I am currently in between jobs. I applied for insurance via about two weeks ago, the problem is that I have to wait to see if they approve me for Medicaid, which the internet can say can take up to 45 days.

However, the literal day after my 26th birthday, I've had the worst headache of my life. I've been hoping for it to go away, but it's only gotten worse over the past week — I feel nauseous, can't keep food down, etc. So I'm pretty sure I need a doctor ASAP, and I have a sinking feeling it might wind up being expensive. I don't think I can wait anymore.

I was wondering what I should do here? Are there any options for me to pay for some sort of short term health insurance so I can see a doctor quicker without waiting a potential month for to get back to me?

Thanks so much.

submitted by /u/jackaloppy

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