Hi, I would really be so greatful if someone can help me. I need to choose a health plan and am totally lost.

For many years I was unable to work because of debilitating panic attacks and so I was on the medi-cal free insurance. I am 32 and single. I luckily finally got the treatment I needed and only with medication am able to live a totally normal life.

I recently started a new job and need to choose a healthcare plan and I am freaking out because I have absolutely zero idea how to really continue my current prescription medications and can’t find the information I need on the internet at all (it’s all sooo confusing).

I now live in and work in a different county than my medi-cal provider and pharmacy (in case that makes a difference) I take two normal medications for anxiety as well as one controlled substance (Xanax) and am very concerned that if I switch to a new plan and get a new psychiatrist they may not want to continue my Xanax, this has literally been the only thing that has allowed me to return to work and live a normal life. I’m not even sure if I’m supposed to pick a plan that lets me continue on with my same psychiatrist or if it’s a simple process to get prescriptions continued on a new plan. I also take ketoconazole for dandruff and would like to be able to get that covered as well hopefully as I do need it every month as well.

The plans my employer offers are all either United or Kaiser plans, HMO ones and PPO ones.

See also  Appeal Decision- Bright Health

I would be SO greatful if someone could let me know if it’s easy to get prescriptions continued or if it requires a new psychiatrist to continue these things. Is there a way to continue seeing my current psychiatrist if he is located in a different county than where my employer is? I need to be able to continue all of my medications and to be able to get them covered as well. Would be incredibly greatful for any advice.

submitted by /u/Watcher2