I accepted new (and better) employment when I broke my ankle

Not sure if this is the most appropriate sub for this question. I am seeking advice on how to handle my upcoming ankle surgery when I accept my new position.

On Monday this week, I had accepted new employment for a company that will pay me a 30% increase in salary and is closer to my home. On Tuesday, I had a horrific ankle injury while playing hockey. I broke the ankle to the point where it requires surgery.

my surgery will be early next week, and I am planning on holding off on putting my two weeks notice into my current employer, to ensure that I have insurance at the time of my surgery. For context, my surgery is March 30th, and my anticipated start date is April 10th for my new position. I plan on giving them about a one weeks notice the day after my surgery.

My new company allows you to enroll in medical insurance on the first day of employment, so there is no 90 day waiting period where I may be left uninsured. However,

For those who have gone through ankle surgery, what are the post-operation medical expenses like? I’m assuming that once I switch plans, my deductible will not carry over. If there are plenty of follow ups required and physical therapy, I will certainly sign up for a low deductible health plan for the time being.

Please let me know if you have any advice for this slightly inconvenient time for me! Thanks!

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