Injury, no insurance, high income. Options?

Hi all. My friend injured his shoulder. He suspects it may be broken. His insurance kicks in in a month with his new employer, but he currently isn’t covered. He is probably ineligible for any income-based programs. He earned very little his whole life up until mid last year, when his income jumped through the roof—but as a contractor, so no health insurance. Definitely not high enough to make out of pocket emergency costs not hurt real bad though. He’s now becoming a permanent employee with health benefits, but this happened before he got there.

This guy is tough as nails and stubborn, and is literally prob going to wait the month with a broken shoulder if he has to regardless of anything you or I say. Are there any other options? I called around to facilities in his area and they all said pay out of pocket and try urgent care over emergency to minimize cost, have a low income, or sign up with them and get a new patient appointment in like 3-4 weeks. One nurse mentioned that her employer-provided health insurance was retroactive to her day of signup or something like that—is there any individual insurance that does that? I told him to ask his HR if his impending plan will do that.

Really looking under every rock here…

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