Received PTC through Covered California even though I didn’t qualify.

I’m not sure how bad the damage is going to be yet as I have no received my 1095A. But I recently filed taxes without it and it got declined, which opened my eyes to the situation I’m in.

I had Medi-cal up until june when I got a new job. I lost medi-cal and bought work insurance. Around the same time I was getting spammed with covered california emails telling me I qualify for free healthcare, sounds great. Went through the motions and uploaded my paystubs etc. I got approved for PTC and $0 health insurance. On I went ignorant to what was happening.

Fast forward to now when my taxes got declined I began digging. Apparently if you get work coverage you are not eligible for the PTC. News to me, i just kept getting emails about free health insurance. However as I dig deeper into what happened on my paystubs it shows my health, dental and vision insurance on it. I should have been denied.

I don’t know what the damage is yet, apparently my 1095A hasn’t been generated yet cause I called to ask about it. Do I have any recourse here? I’m seeing a repayment limit of 950, which isn’t terrible… but I’m also bracing for the worst.

Any advice would be nice. As soon as I get my 1095A I’m going to put it in then take to a case worker over her and see what can be done. I’m just hoping to get some advice to stop my head from spinning about possible outcomes.

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