Reporting Income Changes to Medi-Cal

Hi, so here's the gist of things: I was recently hired– my first day was 3 days ago. Unfortunately, after calculating what my monthly gross pay is, I'm about $200 over the monthly income limit to qualify. I fully anticipate losing coverage with Medi-Cal, and needing to purchase a plan through Covered Cal.

In the Medi-Cal portal, it asks you when you first received payment for this job. I haven't gotten a paycheck yet, so I set the date for my anticipated first paycheck, then submitted the changes. I've got two questions:

On the phone when I spoke to the Access operator, she said that my renewal is coming up in October 2023, and that's when I'll get the determination. But I received a letter this month already notifying me that my Medi-Cal benefits have been renewed for the next year. Does this mean that I'll be disqualified at the end of this month, or in October 2023? Did I do everything correctly with submitting my income changes, or should I still call in to make sure that I've done everything right? I wish I wasn't losing coverage over an extra $200 a month at a part-time job that just barely pays my bills, but it'd really help if I still qualify for Medi-Cal through the end of October 2023 instead of September 2023, seeing as how my first paycheck for Sept 2023 will definitely still be under the monthly income threshold.

Thanks in advance if you can help me figure things out!

submitted by /u/jleyen

See also  Copays with Coordination of Benefits