Someone is using our health insurance and submitting claims

I’m getting frustrated and I’m tired of arguing with people on the phone.

Years ago we lived in a different city and my husband went to one of the large medical offices there. We’ve since moved, changed insurance, etc.

Earlier this year we received a letter from my insurance provider saying “your 4 day inpatient stay was approved” with my husbands info listed. We called this mental health facility and they said, “oh you aren’t the (name) we currently have here?” and basically hung up to ‘check something’. We looked back at insurance claims and there were a number of them submitted in the past few months. All of them were marked “patient view only” and I can’t see any claims details despite carrying the insurance under my name.

We called the provider and they asked a lot of questions, seemed confused, transferred us a bunch of times, and never resolved anything. One person assumed that this person has the same name and the insurance card was applied to him incorrectly.

I have no idea how this person isn’t showing our card before getting medical care? Most of the claims are for an ER and a mental health facility. How do I get my provider to figure this out? Billing at the ER doesn’t know what to do either.

We aren’t getting bills in the mail. I have no idea how this person is paying the balance

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