Thinking About Working for Sidecar Health – Indemnity Plan – Is Their Insurance a Scam?

I'm interviewing for a position at indemnity insurance provider Sidecar Health. They offer a fee-for-service approach to insurance where people pay cash for medical procedures and then get reimbursed a fixed amount. I have been reading about this type of insurance on this subreddit and it seems to have a very bad reputation, with people recommending getting traditional insurance instead. Among other things it has been noted that there is no cap on how much you pay for these indemnity plans, so if something catastrophic happens you could get stuck with an enormous bill. People have been noting other shady practices about these types of plans, too.

I want to work for a company that is doing something good for the world, and if Sidecar Health is a sketch option then I'd prefer not to work for the company. It would be great to get people's opinions here so I can get a better perspective of whether this is an organization I want to work for.

submitted by /u/i_am_baldilocks

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