U.S. insurance for foreign medical treatment

Not sure that this is the right forum for this kind of question, but anyone with knowledge in health insurance already knows more than I do, and quite frankly we're at a loss.

My dad (U.S. citizen) passed away while visiting Amsterdam. He was insured by UMR. We provided all of his insurance information to the hospital, figuring that they would submit a claim to the company, send us the difference, and we'd wipe our hands of this mess and try to move on. However, rather than be in direct contact with the insurance, they've decided to use me as a middlewoman to maintain contact and essentially pass messages between both parties. The hospital is adamant that they can't submit a claim without a guarantee of payment (GoP) from the insurance company. The insurance company is adamant that such a guarantee doesn't exist. The hospital is suggesting that we pay the entirety of the bill ourselves (upwards of $30k), and then file for reimbursement from the insurance company, but we're just not financially capable of doing so. It's been back and forth between the hospital and the insurance but no one can seem to come to an agreeable solution.

If anyone can provide any advice moving forward, it'd be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Head_Juice_9943

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