What health insurance options does my stay-at-home mom (62) have now that my dad (65) has had a stroke and was forced to retire as a result?

Hello, I am new to this sub but could really use some advice.

My mom (62 years old) has always been a stay-at-home mom and last year, she had insurance through the marketplace based on the income filing jointly with my dad. Unfortunately, my dad had stroke in March and has lost the use of his entire right side. He decided to retire and is now on SSI and Medicare (turned 65 in February).

Here is where I could use some help:

Because my dad retired and had a stroke, he did not earn any income this year (2023) and does not plan to file taxes for 2023. Will this have any impact on my mom as she was insured through healthcare.gov marketplace in 2023. She plants to go on SSI as well now that she is eligible at the age of 62 but that won’t start until next year.

What are her options for health insurance in 2024? Can she still qualify for the marketplace based on the SSI income (it’s like $300 a month – so not significant).

My brother and I cover more than half their annual living expenses. Can one of us claim her as a dependent and then have her file through the marketplace that way? We live in NC so really worried she won’t get Medicaid.

what info do I need to file for her through the marketplace? Tax returns for previous years?

Sorry if these are stupid questions, not familiar with any of this and have been stumbling through all of it.

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submitted by /u/skybreaker2345