Hurricane Roof Damage? How Does a Policyholder Know?

Hurricane Roof Damage? How Does a Policyholder Know?

Most people never get on their roof after a hurricane. For many, they cannot physically do so, and it would be dangerous for them to attempt to climb up and inspect the roof for damage. Finally, even if a policyholder climbed up and inspected for roof damage, would they know what to look for?

I thought about this yesterday after I asked a client if his roof had damage. His response went something like this:

Chip, the wind insurance adjuster came out to inspect the roof. I could not get up there to look at it. The roof is 40 feet in the air. The adjuster did not look at it either because he only brought a 20-foot ladder. I’m a software developer. I have no idea what I would be looking for.

So here is the test for our readers—does the photo in this blog show hurricane damage and why?

I will give the answer tomorrow.

For most policyholders in Collier County following Hurricane Ian, chances are you have some type of roof damage. The extreme wind speeds beg for some type of damage even if subtle and often not within your expertise to determine. Inspection should not be to just the exterior but the interior attic area as well. Waiting for leaks to occur is not the way to determine if a roof has been damaged from Hurricane Ian.

Thought For The Day

All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.
—Mark Twain

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