True Crime Stories of Insurance Fraud Number 7

The Baseball Card Scam
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Barry Zalma, Esq., CFE presents videos so you can learn how insurance fraud is perpetrated and what is necessary to deter or defeat insurance fraud. This Video Blog of True Crime Stories of Insurance Fraud with the names and places changed to protect the guilty are all based upon investigations conducted by me and fictionalized to create a learning environment for claims personnel, SIU investigators, insurers, police, and lawyers better understand insurance fraud and weapons that can be used to deter or defeat a fraudulent insurance claim.
The insurance industry, unintentionally, instructs its insureds how to successfully perpetrate insurance fraud. Insurers encourage fraud by:
decimating its professional claim staff by short-sighted cost cutting.
by selling insurance to persons unknown to the company or the broker.
by accepting the word of new applicants without a pre-risk survey.
by allowing threats of bad faith lawsuits to intimidate the company into a quick settlement.
Commercial property insurance has proven to be an excellent training ground for novice frauds. Baseball cards are collectibles with widely varying values depending on rarity and condition. The value of a collectible car is totally subjective and, as a result, difficult to insured.
© 2022 – Barry Zalma
Barry Zalma, Esq., CFE, now limits his practice to service as an insurance consultant specializing in insurance coverage, insurance claims handling, insurance bad faith and insurance fraud almost equally for insurers and policyholders.
He practiced law in California for more than 44 years as an insurance coverage and claims handling lawyer and more than 54 years in the insurance business.
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