10 Things to Do at Home Before You Go on Vacation

Asian family packing for vacation for Quotacy blog Prepare house for vacation

5. Check Doors, Windows, and Blinds

Whether it is a side-door that is rarely used or a stuck window, check every possible access point. These access points can turn into gateways for burglars.

Shut all doors, windows, and side-doors. Double-check all doors before leaving to be sure they are locked.

You may shut the blinds or leave them as you would normally to give a sense of the house being occupied.

6. Put Newspaper and Mail Delivery on Hold

Newspapers and mail piling up on your front gate is an immediate giveaway of vacancy. Burglars are quick to catch such tell-tale signs and plan their entry.

As a preventative step, call your newspaper office and request them to stop your deliveries or put them on hold until your return.

Contact your Post Office and request them to hold your mail until you return.

7. Remember Your Spare Keys

If you are of the habit of hiding spare home keys in the bush or other secret places, then ensure that you retain these spare keys. Trained burglars are persistent and will not leave anything to chance. They implement every technique to make the most of the opportunity that a vacant home gives them.

8. Trim Your Lawn and Overgrown Bushes

An untrimmed lawn and overgrown bushes are a giveaway to burglars that your home is vacant. Ensure that your home looks occupied from the outside.

Cut down overgrown bushes as these locations can give burglars an ideal location to hide and monitor your home. Trim your lawn before you leave.

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If it is winter, then ensure that your driveway is clear.

If possible, ask a friend to visit your premises regularly until you return. You can enjoy your vacation in peace knowing that you have a trusted friend that will take care of your home in your absence.

9. Activate Your Security System

If you have a security system installed, then ensure it’s working properly. Contact your security company for a thorough check-up and tuning of your system. This way you can be sure that your security system has your back.

If you don’t have a security system installed, then you could perhaps think about having a “Beware of Dog” sign in your entrance. This may deter burglars and trespassers.

10. Prepare Your Home for Your Return

In addition to automatic thermostat adjustments and cleaning, you can do other things to ensure a cleaner and safer home on your return. A home that looks and smells better is a great mood-booster.

Stock your kitchen with long-shelf-life items, such as cereal and soup, so that you do not go hungry upon return
Change the sheets on your bed so that you are not greeted by smelly and untidy sheets
Vacuum floors and furniture
Do not leave any unwashed dishes in the sink
Use long-lasting fragrances so that you return to a fresh-smelling home

In Conclusion

A well-prepared home saves you the stress of safety and cleanliness. By preparing your home, you prepare yourself to be free and relaxed on your vacation. Leaving your home in good condition ensures that you are less overwhelmed on return.

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