How to File a Life Insurance Claim With American Fidelity Assurance Company

Life Insurance Post

Life insurance provides financial protection for your loved ones in the event of your death. It ensures that they will be able to cover expenses and maintain their quality of life even without your income. However, filing a life insurance claim can be a daunting process. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of filing a life insurance claim with American Fidelity Assurance Company, one of the leading providers in the industry.

Understanding Life Insurance Claims

Before we dive into the details of filing a claim, let’s take a moment to understand what a life insurance claim is and why you might need to file one.

Life insurance is a crucial financial tool that provides protection and peace of mind to individuals and their loved ones. It serves as a safety net, ensuring that those left behind are financially secure in the event of the policyholder’s passing. However, simply having a life insurance policy is not enough. It is equally important to understand how to navigate the claims process to ensure a smooth and timely payout.

What is a Life Insurance Claim?

A life insurance claim is a request made by the beneficiaries named in a life insurance policy to receive the death benefit after the policyholder’s passing. This benefit is paid out by the insurance company and can provide financial support to cover funeral expenses, outstanding debts, and ongoing living expenses.

When a policyholder passes away, it is the responsibility of the beneficiaries to notify the insurance company and initiate the claims process. This typically involves submitting the necessary documentation, such as the death certificate and policy information, to the insurer. Once the claim is approved, the insurance company disburses the death benefit to the beneficiaries, helping them navigate the financial challenges that arise during such a difficult time.

Why Might You Need to File a Claim?

There are several situations in which you might need to file a life insurance claim. The most common reason is the death of the policyholder. It is essential to notify the insurance company promptly to start the claims process. However, beyond the obvious, there are other circumstances that might necessitate a claim.

For instance, some life insurance policies offer riders that provide additional coverage for critical illnesses or disabilities. In such cases, if the policyholder is diagnosed with a covered critical illness or becomes disabled, they may be eligible to file a claim and receive a payout to help cover medical expenses or loss of income.

Furthermore, certain policies may also include terminal illness benefits, which allow policyholders diagnosed with a terminal illness to access a portion of the death benefit while they are still alive. This can provide much-needed financial support during a challenging time, allowing individuals to focus on their health and quality of life.

Additionally, accidental deaths can also trigger the need to file a life insurance claim. Accidents can happen unexpectedly, and having a life insurance policy in place ensures that your loved ones are protected financially in such tragic circumstances.

Understanding the various scenarios that may require a life insurance claim is crucial. By being aware of the policy details and the circumstances under which a claim can be made, you can ensure that you and your loved ones are adequately protected and prepared for any eventuality.

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About American Fidelity Assurance Company

Before we proceed, let’s get acquainted with American Fidelity Assurance Company. Established in 1960, American Fidelity has been a trusted provider of insurance and financial services for over six decades. Their commitment to personalized service and comprehensive coverage has made them a top choice among individuals and businesses.

When it comes to insurance and financial services, American Fidelity Assurance Company stands out from the crowd. With their headquarters based in the vibrant city of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, they have established themselves as a leading player in the industry. Their dedication to serving the education, municipality, and healthcare sectors has allowed them to develop specialized solutions that cater to the unique needs of these industries.

Company Overview

American Fidelity Assurance Company is not just your average insurance provider. They go above and beyond to ensure that their customers receive the best possible service and coverage. Whether you are an individual looking for personal insurance or a business seeking comprehensive coverage, American Fidelity has got you covered.

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What sets American Fidelity apart from the competition is their commitment to personalized service. They understand that every customer is unique, with different needs and requirements. That’s why they take the time to listen and understand your specific situation before recommending the most suitable insurance and financial solutions.

With a wide range of products and services, American Fidelity can meet all your insurance and financial needs. From life insurance to disability income, supplemental health insurance to retirement planning services, they have it all. Their team of experts is always ready to guide you through the process, ensuring that you make informed decisions that align with your goals and priorities.

Types of Life Insurance Policies Offered

When it comes to life insurance, American Fidelity offers a variety of policies to suit different needs and budgets. They understand that everyone’s circumstances are different, and one size does not fit all. That’s why they provide a range of options so that you can find the perfect policy that meets your requirements.

Term life insurance is a popular choice for those looking for coverage for a specific period. Whether you want to protect your family during your working years or cover a mortgage or loan, term life insurance can provide the financial security you need. American Fidelity offers flexible term life insurance policies that can be tailored to your specific needs.

For those seeking lifelong protection and the potential to accumulate cash value, whole life insurance is a great option. With whole life insurance from American Fidelity, you can have peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of no matter what. Plus, the cash value component allows you to build up savings over time.

If you’re looking for a life insurance policy that combines a death benefit with a tax-deferred investment component, then universal life insurance might be the right choice for you. With universal life insurance from American Fidelity, you can enjoy the benefits of both protection and investment, giving you the flexibility and control you need.

Choosing the right life insurance policy is a crucial decision that should not be taken lightly. American Fidelity Assurance Company understands this and is dedicated to helping you make the best choice for your unique situation. Their team of experienced professionals is always available to answer your questions and guide you through the process, ensuring that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Preparing to File a Claim

When it comes to filing a life insurance claim, preparation is key. Gathering the necessary documents and taking the appropriate steps beforehand can help expedite the process and ensure a smoother experience for you and your beneficiaries.

Necessary Documents for Filing a Claim

Before contacting American Fidelity to initiate a claim, be sure to collect the following documents:

Original policy documents
Death certificate
Proof of the relationship between the policyholder and the beneficiaries
Identity and contact information for the beneficiaries

Having these documents ready will help streamline the claims process and prevent any unnecessary delays.

Steps to Take Before Filing a Claim

Prior to filing a claim with American Fidelity, it is crucial to be aware of a few key steps:

Notify the insurance company as soon as possible: Contact American Fidelity to inform them of the policyholder’s passing. They will guide you through the necessary steps and provide you with the required forms.
Understand the policy terms and conditions: Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the life insurance policy. This will help you navigate the claims process and understand the payout criteria.
Seek professional guidance if needed: If you are unsure about any aspect of the claims process or need assistance, consider consulting a financial advisor or an attorney specializing in insurance matters for guidance and support.

Taking these steps before filing a claim will help you have a clear understanding of the process and minimize potential complications.

The Process of Filing a Life Insurance Claim with American Fidelity

Now that you are prepared, let’s walk through the process of filing a life insurance claim with American Fidelity Assurance Company.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Filing a Claim

Follow these steps to ensure a successful claim submission:

Contact American Fidelity: Notify the company of the policyholder’s death and request the necessary claim forms. The insurance company will provide you with the required paperwork and guide you through the next steps.
Complete the claim forms: Fill out the claim forms accurately and provide all requested information. Be sure to attach the necessary documents, including the death certificate and proof of relationship.
Submit the claim: Once you have completed the claim forms and gathered all required documents, submit them to American Fidelity. Keep copies of all submitted materials for your records.
Follow up on the claim: After submitting the claim, regularly follow up with American Fidelity to check the status and ensure that the process is moving forward smoothly. They will be able to provide updates and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Filing a Claim

While filing a claim, it is important to avoid common mistakes that can potentially delay the process. Some mistakes to watch out for include:

Incomplete or inaccurate forms: Ensure that all claim forms are filled out correctly and all requested information is provided. Any missing or incorrect details can cause delays.
Failure to gather necessary documents: Make sure you have all required documents, such as the death certificate and proof of relationship, before filing the claim.
Not following up on the claim: It is essential to maintain regular communication with American Fidelity to stay informed about the progress of your claim and address any issues promptly.

Avoiding these mistakes will help expedite the claims process and ensure a smoother experience for everyone involved.

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After Filing a Claim

Once you have submitted your claim, it is natural to wonder what happens next. Understanding what to expect and how to follow up will provide you with peace of mind during this time.

What to Expect After Filing a Claim

After filing a claim with American Fidelity, the insurance company will begin to review your submission and assess its validity. This process typically involves:

Verification of documents: American Fidelity will carefully review the submitted documents, including the death certificate and proof of relationship, to ensure their authenticity.
Evaluation of the claim: The insurance company will assess the claim based on the terms and conditions outlined in the policy. They will verify that all requirements are met and determine the payout amount.
Payout processing: Once the claim is approved, American Fidelity will initiate the payout process. The beneficiaries will receive the death benefit according to the chosen payout option, such as a lump sum or installments.

While the length of the claims process can vary depending on the circumstances, American Fidelity strives to handle claims efficiently and provide timely responses to beneficiaries.

How to Follow Up on a Claim

If you have submitted a claim and want to check its progress or address any concerns, you can follow these steps:

Keep a record of communication: Maintain a log of all interactions with American Fidelity, including dates, times, and the names of individuals you speak with. This will help you track the progress of your claim and provide reference points if needed.
Utilize customer service channels: American Fidelity’s customer service team is readily available to assist you. Reach out to them via phone, email, or their online customer portal for updates on your claim.
Consider seeking professional guidance: If you encounter any difficulties or require expert advice during the claims process, consult a financial advisor or attorney experienced in life insurance claims to ensure your rights are protected.

By following these steps, you can stay informed about your claim’s progression and have peace of mind throughout the process.


Filing a life insurance claim with American Fidelity Assurance Company is a crucial step towards securing financial stability for your loved ones. By understanding the claims process, gathering the necessary documents, and following the recommended steps, you can navigate the process with confidence and ease. Always remember that American Fidelity’s dedicated team is there to support you, and seeking professional guidance when needed can provide valuable assistance. By taking these proactive measures, you ensure that your beneficiaries receive the rightful benefits they deserve during a challenging time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I file a life insurance claim with American Fidelity Assurance Company?

To file a life insurance claim with American Fidelity Assurance Company, you can follow these steps:
1. Contact the company: Notify American Fidelity Assurance Company about the insured person’s death by calling their customer service or claims department.
2. Gather required documents: Prepare necessary documents such as the policyholder’s death certificate, policy information, and any other requested paperwork.
3. Complete claim forms: Fill out the claim forms provided by American Fidelity Assurance Company, providing accurate and detailed information.
4. Submit the claim: Send the completed claim forms and supporting documents to the designated address provided by the company.
5. Follow up: Keep track of your claim’s progress by contacting the company’s claims department and providing any additional information if required.

What documents are typically required to file a life insurance claim?

When filing a life insurance claim, you will generally need the following documents:
– Death certificate of the insured person
– Policy information and details
– Completed claim forms provided by the insurance company
– Proof of your relationship to the insured (if applicable)
– Any additional documents requested by the insurance company, such as medical records or beneficiary identification.

How long does it take to process a life insurance claim with American Fidelity Assurance Company?

The processing time for a life insurance claim with American Fidelity Assurance Company can vary depending on various factors. Typically, the company aims to process claims promptly and provides an estimated timeframe. However, the exact duration can be influenced by factors such as the complexity of the claim, availability of required documents, and any additional investigations necessary. It is advisable to contact American Fidelity Assurance Company’s claims department for specific information regarding your claim’s processing timeline.

What happens after I file a life insurance claim with American Fidelity Assurance Company?

After you file a life insurance claim with American Fidelity Assurance Company, the following steps may occur:
1. Claim review: The company will review the submitted claim forms, supporting documents, and policy details.
2. Investigation (if required): If necessary, American Fidelity Assurance Company may conduct an investigation to validate the claim and ensure all policy terms and conditions are met.
3. Claim decision: Once the review or investigation is complete, the company will make a decision regarding the claim’s approval and payout.
4. Payout or denial: If the claim is approved, American Fidelity Assurance Company will initiate the payout according to the policy terms. In case of denial, the company will provide reasons for the decision.
5. Communication: Throughout the process, the company’s claims department will communicate with you, providing updates and requesting any additional information if needed.

Can I file a life insurance claim online with American Fidelity Assurance Company?

Yes, American Fidelity Assurance Company offers the option to file a life insurance claim online. They provide a user-friendly online claims submission process, allowing you to conveniently submit your claim forms and supporting documents through their official website. However, it is recommended to review the company’s specific instructions or contact their claims department for guidance on the online filing process and any additional requirements.

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