Life Insurance made f*cking fun: Say hi to Clearly Surely’s Financial Discovery Platform [2 of 7]

Life Insurance made f*cking fun: Say hi to Clearly Surely’s Financial Discovery Platform [2 of 7]


Part 2: Platform Walkthrough



On to the platform proper: The Tutorial


You are going to be welcomed by Candy the Corgi, who is going to be your guide throughout this entire experience.

The tutorial serves both as a quick way to introduce the site, and also create your account at the same time.

Pro-tip: You need to think really really hard about setting your humor – since this is the only time it can be selected.


As real as it gets


After you enter a 6 digit OTP and verify your email as well, you’re in!


The Personal Section


We begin by understanding more about you as a person, and here is where you get to taste the level of personalization that the site has to offer.

For different answers given, there will be different meme responses shown.



Notice the gems and experience points collected along the way – they will come in handy later!


Next up: The Financial Section


This being a Financial Discovery Journey, we then proceed to ask you about your finances, about your spending habits, your planned expenses, your loans, and also your assets.

Don’t feel bad if you cannot state them with 100% accuracy! Truth is, no one can. But it’s good to take stock ever so often.

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Then we dial into your: Existing Insurance


Leaving the financials behind, we next help you to consolidate all your existing insurance policies, to dissect what sort of cover you have, how much cover you have, and how long it lasts.

A cutie asking you all the right questions


You can either choose to fill in the information yourself, you can just upload the policy documents for our cute canine assistants to do the heavy lifting for you.



Which then brings us to: Scenario Analysis


One of the highlights of your journey is here!

This is where you get to see how 5 different scenarios can impact you financially, calculated from your prior answers to the previous sections.



Will you sink or will you float?


And finally: Shortfall Analysis


Here is where we answer the age-old question – how much insurance coverage do I really need? VS How much insurance cover do I already have?

And more importantly, we show you how your needs change with the passage of time, so that you have a complete overview.



Will you like what you see? Only one way to find out.


More of the fun stuff: Quizzes and a claimable gift pack


Along the way, as you complete each section, there is also a quiz tagged to that section that helps you understand more about what you are doing.

Also, upon completion of the journey, you will be eligible to receive a gift pack, which we will talk about more in Part 4 of the guide.

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And just like fine wine, there is an art of savoring the platform to bring out maximum enjoyment. See you in the next installment!


Part 3: How to maximize your experience


Part 1: Introducing our newest creation
Part 2: Platform Walkthrough
Part 3: How to maximize your experience
Part 4: Rewards
Part 5: Random Delights and Surprises
Part 6: How you can contribute
Part 7: Frequently Asked Questions is a refreshing new way to approach Life Insurance – with humour and fun,  bound together by imagination.

Our Financial Discovery Platform provides hours of entertainment while providing an overall view of your insurance adequacy.

If you’re curious about how we can make a dry subject nearly as wholesome as Keanu Reeves, join our community today. 

We have been eradicating the knowledge gap between consumers and Life Insurance since 2015, and have a vision that one day, every Man, Woman, and Child will be properly insured.