Syphilis false positive during pregnancy — denied life insurance.

I am a 33yo cis female, and healthy new mom — son is 10mo. I tried to get life insurance through ladder life, which was recommended to me through a podcast I like about finances. I got denied instantly. Now when I say I am healthy I mean- there is nothing at all wrong with my physical health, and I’ve never had any serious illness or injury or surgery. I don’t smoke. I don’t have a risky job, I am a therapist. They denied me because ExamOne by Quest sent their underwriters my labs.

Well while I was in my third trimester of pregnancy I had a very upsetting experience in which my RPR was abnormal (a blood test that can indicate syphilis, and is common in pregnancy to be false positive). And so they made me take a more specific syphilis (TPA) blood test. That turned out positive. I swore up and down I didn’t have syphilis, and in my first trimester my RPR was normal, so I would have had to contract it during my pregnancy. My husband and I do not have sexual relations with other people and it was impossible.

The doctors all urged me to go to the ER to get tested again, and get treatment if I didn’t want to harm my baby. So I was talked into getting two massive injections of penicillin to treat it in the case that I did have it. Two days later the TPA test came back negative. Confirming I do not have syphillis.

And this is why I was denied life insurance. I am going to ask my doctors to write a letter to examone and ladder life explaining the medical mishap. I do not want this on my record, as it was false positives. And I want life insurance. And I don’t want to have to file a lawsuit.

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Any one have experience or advice?