The fourth generation joins Rockstroh Insurance in South Bend – South Bend Tribune

The Rockstroh Insurance Agency has its fourth generation in the business. From left are Sam Rockstroh, who joined in August, along with office personnel Norma Clark and Maggie Neely, with John Rockstroh. Seated is Dick Rockstroh, who is holding a painting of his father, John Chester Rockstroh, the company's founder.

There is a lot of history in four generations. Lots of stories.

The Rockstroh Insurance Agency, 333 N. Lafayette Blvd., had its humble beginnings on Vassar Street in South Bend in 1932. It was the back porch of the family home, according to Dick Rockstroh. His father, John Chester, started the agency. 

John Chester died in 1967.

Dick joined the agency in 1957 after graduating from Indiana University. John, Dick’s son, came on in 1987. It was a few years after graduating from Ball State. The next generation, Sam, who is John’s son, started this past August. Sam graduated from Bethel College in 2016. (We all know it is Bethel University now.)

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Sam has an 18-month-old daughter, Madi. Next generation? Not sure, Sam said. “She likes to run up and down the hallway, just like I did.” That is a start. “I was interested in the paperclips and stringing them together. Later, I liked the adding machine.” Madi isn’t enthralled with the adding machine yet.

Dick said his father worked at Studebaker Corp. for several years before starting the agency with a friend, Dial Rogers. “I’m not sure why they started in the business. He never said much about it.”

The agency moved several times and set up shop in the Lafayette building in the 1970s. Their present building was the former home of the Social Security office and later the Indiana Employment office. 

Besides sharing genetics, Dick, John and Sam had a common thread. They weren’t sure that insurance was in their futures. “When you are 20, you expect to set the world on fire,” John said.

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Things change, and the fire may be closer to home.

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Dick said he interviewed with businesses in 1957, but nothing appealed to him as much as working with his father.

Sam had several jobs before taking the plunge into the agency. “I have the same story about starting in the agency. There was no pressure, but it felt like the right time. I came to realize that we help people.” He is bringing the agency into the 21st century by adding a web presence. “The Facebook page was created and wasn’t changed in years.”

Dick said it is one of the oldest family-run agencies in the city. They all agree it is a family business and with two longtime employees — Maggie Neely and Cyndie Moore — the family is complete.

Dick said his father would be very proud of the business and the family.

People who deserve a few more words

A photo of John Charles Bryant at The History Museum in 2021.

John Charles Bryant died Jan. 3. He was 84, and he had so many more stories to share. He was a walking and talking historian. He had been involved in several Tribune stories about local history, including about the Powell family, African-American art and Central High School.

I went with him to do a story on another legend, Dr. Bernard Vagner, on the good doctor’s 100th birthday. Sitting in the kitchen and talking with the two men was akin to a master class in local history.

Read The Tribune’s obituary for Bryant:John Charles Bryant, descendant of South Bend’s first Black family, dies at 84

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Central High School and the South Bend Alumni Association were important to him. He loved to keep that Central spirit alive. For example, earlier in the spring, John Charles donated two auditorium chairs from old Central to the History Museum. There was a good story there.

He was involved in the all-class Central High School reunion in the summer. He was stationed at the door and checked in the schoolmates. He would point and tell me to talk to this person. John Charles knew everyone. He always brought a good story to the table.


Fred Hedington, 82, of North Liberty, died Jan. 1. He wasn’t a guy who made headlines. He was a farmer and delivered The Tribune for 37 years. He was quite the talker. He also fixed old tractors and made them pretty.

He purchased our family’s 1955 Allis-Chalmer tractor. My father, Joe, didn’t pay too much attention to the old tractor and it looked rough. He only cared if it started and moved forward.

After my dad died, Fred bought the tractor and restored it. Not sure if it was a one-person operation or there was a team of restorers. Either way, it was great. I saw the tractor once following the makeover. It was orange, shiny and rust free. Fred told us the tractor would be going to the state fair for a classic tractor day. Quite a step up from a cluttered barn.

Fred was one of a kind. Here’s hoping there are tractors to fix in the next life.

You can reach Kathy at