GB’s new CEO for Australia shares company’s focus on mental health

GB's new CEO for Australia shares company's focus on mental health

Insurance Business Australia (IB) recently talked with Pete Nicholson, Gallagher Bassett’s (GB) new CEO for Australia since March 31, about the changes in the company since the COVID-19 pandemic began and what lies ahead as Australia starts opening up again.

In an IB TV interview, Nicholson (pictured) said GB has been focusing on addressing the consequences of what it has been through since the pandemic began, including the demand for mental health support for its people.

“[Proactively supporting mentally healthy workplaces] is something that’s critically important,” Nicholson told IB. “We’re doing it through the use of our mental health hub, and that’s support. It’s supporting not only our employees but also some of the clients that we work for.”

Nicholson further explained that GB had seen significant growth in telehealth solutions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which have proven to be successful as they enabled the company to provide “the right treatment to the right person at the right time”.

“It’s certainly been a really challenging last couple of years for the entire community, and our industry has not been immune. But as an insurance industry, I think we can be really proud [of] how we’ve pulled together and got through. And it looks now like there are great opportunities.”

Nicholson also discussed the lessons he has learned since becoming GB’s CEO for Australia early this year and the company’s digital transformation in the claims area. You can check out the IB TV interview here.

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