Insurer service survey

21st July 2022

I am pleased that the Gracechurch Insurer Service survey has begun and some of you will have already been invited to complete the survey.

Our ambition is to build this into the leading industry survey on insurer service – the one that all the leading insurers use to prioritise service improvement.

We have the positive support of many of our insurer partners and with Gracechurch’s help we will inspire our sector to deliver great service to our customers.

But we can’t do that without your help.  This is top priority for BIBA and I therefore would ask you to complete the survey when it lands in your inbox over the next few weeks.  We’re all busy and it’s holiday time but every survey completed really does make a difference.

Finally, we want to hear from all relevant people in member firms so please do send us lists of the people in your business who you think should complete the survey and Gracechurch will mail them – please email [email protected]

You can find more information about the survey here.

Thank you very much

Kind regards


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