I’m 30 F , and my husband 32 M and I have 3 kids age 4,2 and 1 . We are currently in Nevada, my kids and I are covered through Medicaid still from the pandemic coverage, my husband has his own insurance because Medicaid had recently did his review and he no longer qualifies. The kids and I are not up for review til towards the end of the year. Anyways, my husband has to work long distance and will be gone for days at a time and I’m needing help with my young kids so I am thinking of going to stay with family in CA for about a month or two to get some help while my husband has to be away for his work. I was wondering if theres a temporary health insurance , even just for my kids that I can get them on while we go to a different state. Medicaid doesnt cover out of state, I dont want to stop my current Medicaid to apply for CA since its only temporary. Are there short term insurance available that can be purchased? Or any advise on how to best go about this? Im just not comfortable goin there for over a month without health coverage since my kids are pretty wild and have been getting some of the nasty viruses goin around. Just want to make sure I do my part to make sure they are healthy and safe as can be and I have access to healthcare there if we should need it.

submitted by /u/AffectionateLight111

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