PKU carrier (F22) with less cognitive symptoms on a low protein diet. Low protein is expensive long term. Can insurance help me?

I’ve had brain fog since I can remember. Difficulty recalling words, hard time focusing, severe depression, you name it. I recently found out I’m a PKU carrier from 23andme and decided to try a low protein diet for a week and a half. I feel so, so much better. A typical day of eating for me so far is oatmeal and fruit in the morning, low protein macaroni and cheese (I ordered low pro pasta and vegan cheese), and a sweet potato with veggies and sauce at night. I know I can’t sustain this and that I need some source of protein, but I have only seen insurance cover those affected by PKU. I ate beans tonight (high in phenylalanine) and my brain fog returned as if it’s never been gone. I’ve been on low carb diets before and haven’t felt this clear headed. I am almost certain the low protein is what’s working for me, but there are no studies about the benefits of low protein for carriers. Even still, I feel strongly this diet would provide me with the best cognitive outcomes.
The problem is, the supplement with the rest of the amino acids your body needs is expensive as all hell. Unaffordable frankly. Are there any ways insurance could help me?

submitted by /u/Vivid_Rate_7241

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