I have been passed around the several different departments and nobody can give me an answer just telling me to call someone else. Two part question. 1: My 10 day old was admitted to the hospital, I am 100% breastfeeding. We had just gotten this plan so I wasn’t sure what was covered or not. (Most likely my first mistake)

While we were there, I was told food was provided because I am strictly breast feeding. Come around to the bill, and it wasn’t covered. Is there anything I can do about this and what are the right words to say to get it billed different or get some relief? I would have got my own meals elsewhere had I know it wasn’t covered. We reside in Alabama and are on all kids.

2: Same hospital stay, they had to call in a specialist that was out of network. I wasn’t told he was out of network, we didn’t get a choice. They needed a specialist for my newborn at the time.

Are these just those faults in the healthcare system where I am SOL? I’ve been on military insurance my whole life up until I had kids, so I am new to all of this. I should have checked to see if food was covered, but they knew the insurance he had and said it is so I was dumb and took their word for it.

See also  Need Help Please. Network Changed after Jan 15th Deadline.