Health insurance increased by nearly 100% per month

Please remove if this isn’t allowed. Posting this on a throwaway. My mom has health insurance through her work company. They offer her no cost but she also has my dad on the premium. Her work company covers my dad health insurance by 50% and she has to pay the other 50%. She’s been at the company for about 3 years now.

Her pay for my dad health insurance per paycheck has always been around $150, making it around $300 a month.

Well this time, it was time for her yearly benefit renewal and she noticed my dad health insurance is now $300 per pay check, meaning $700 a month.

This is like nearly a 100%. This is the same plan that was selected before. For reference, it’s a Gold full PPO by Blue Cross.

Is this correct? Has there been a crazy increase for adding spouses/dependents on health insurance plans? We live in the Bay Area but my mom thinks this is just crazy and she’s kind of freaking out right now. We’re planning on calling tomorrow as Blue Cross office is currently closed right now.

My dad did have a colonoscopy this past year but that’s about it besides 1 routine doctor checkup and blood work. Does having surgery or visiting the doctors office increase premiums? Any advice would be appreciated right now as we’re not sure what to do.

submitted by /u/Scary-Worldliness895

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